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A man cut off his finger while sawing.

I slipped on a banana peel, fell down the stairs, and broke my leg.

I slipped on water and fell on my bottom. Now I have a bruise on my bottom that really hurts.

I slipped on water and fell on my knees. Now I have scratches on my knees that really hurt.

I was driving my car on the freeway and swerved to miss a box in the road.

I was riding a horse when the horse suddenly stopped and I fell off.

I was riding my bike when my bike hit a stick and I flipped over the handlebars.

I was walking and scraped my head on a tree branch that I didn’t see. Now I have a cut on my head.

One month ago, two cars were racing and one crashed into a pole.

Two weeks ago, I was driving straight through an intersection when all of a sudden, a car turned left in front of me and I t-boned (the front of my car hit the side of his) his car with mine.

Yesterday, I was driving in the rain. Everything was going ok when all of a sudden, I hydroplaned and my car skidded into a pole.


All day I had a stomach ache.

All month I’ve been working hard.

All morning I made breakfast.

All morning I was fishing.

All night I couldn’t sleep.

All week I painted my house.

All year I waited for Halloween.



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