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KNOW | |
ASL Alphabet (A-Z) | |
DEAF | |
My name is Deborah (name sign).The phrase is signed here as: "MY NAME D-E-B-O-R-A-H (name-sign)". This is used as an example. Deborah fingerspelled her name first and then gave her name sign, which is the D-handshape moving in a curl downward from her head to indicate curly hair. You can learn more about Name Signs in ASL 1 - Unit 3. | |
Nice to meet you.The phrase is signed here as: "NICE MEET YOU." This phrase can also be signed as "NICE MEET" with MEET signed with the back of your dominant hand facing you and the back of your non-dominant hand facing the person you are meeting. When MEET is signed directionally this way, signing YOU is not necessary. | |
You're welcome. | |
How are you?This phrase is signed as: "HOW YOU?" with the wh-word question facial expression (eyebrows down). How are you? (2)This is a different signer signing "How are you?" This phrase is signed as: "HOW YOU?" with the wh-word question facial expression (eyebrows down). | |
What is your name? | |
SIGN | |
Thank you.This is the phrase/word "THANK-YOU" in ASL. Thank you. (2)This is a different signer signing "Thank you." This is the phrase/word "THANK-YOU" in ASL. | |
Goodbye | |
Hello | |
NONE | |
THAT | |
HELP | |
BOY | |
I/ME | |
ME | |