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ASL Alphabet (A-Z)


This sign can be made by moving from your ear to your chin or from your chin to your ear.


My name is Deborah (name sign).

The phrase is signed here as: "MY NAME D-E-B-O-R-A-H (name-sign)". This is used as an example. Deborah fingerspelled her name first and then gave her name sign, which is the D-handshape moving in a curl downward from her head to indicate curly hair. You can learn more about Name Signs in ASL 1 - Unit 3.

Nice to meet you.

The phrase is signed here as: "NICE MEET YOU." This phrase can also be signed as "NICE MEET" with MEET signed with the back of your dominant hand facing you and the back of your non-dominant hand facing the person you are meeting. When MEET is signed directionally this way, signing YOU is not necessary.

You're welcome.

Signed as "WELCOME". In context, this can mean "You're welcome". More commonly, you would sign FINE, NO-PROBLEM, or NOTHING (with F handshapes to mean "It was nothing.")

How are you?

This phrase is signed as: "HOW YOU?" with the wh-word question facial expression (eyebrows down).

How are you? (2)

This is a different signer signing "How are you?" This phrase is signed as: "HOW YOU?" with the wh-word question facial expression (eyebrows down).

What is your name?

This phrase is signed as: "YOUR NAME WHAT?" with the wh-question facial expression (eyebrows down).


This sign refers to sign language or signing, not a sign like a stop sign.

Thank you.

This is the phrase/word "THANK-YOU" in ASL.

Thank you. (2)

This is a different signer signing "Thank you." This is the phrase/word "THANK-YOU" in ASL.


This is the sign for "BYE" in ASL.


This is the sign for HELLO in ASL.


This sign is used in sentences like "There are no more cookies left" in place of the "no."







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